Here are the services that are offered at Studio Beauté JT

Eyelash extensions

Because you eyes, it's precious!

Eyes are an important asset during seduction or when you have something to ask your spouse!

For a daily "glam" look, many fashionistas opt for Eyelash extensions. The benefits? No need to put two/three coats of mascara in the morning, and most importantly, why take out the "false eyelashes" only on special occasions?

Make sure you have a qualified technician, who uses the right products that are certified by health CANADA, which is thorough and has followed several refinements.


The client looking for a more intense result
The client with untrimmed lashes, very short or very thin
The customer looking for a different look for a special event


Are your lashes lacking in curves and the eyelash curl step breaks your eyelashes? Here's all you need to know about Eyelash perm.

What is it?

It is a technique that allows to give the eyelashes spring. Eyelash perm resumes the eyelash curl principle, except that instead of going through this step every morning and breaking your lashes, you do it once and be quiet for 6-8 weeks.

What results are we getting?

After a permanent Eyelash, you will see as soon as your eyelashes are perfectly curved, even without mascara. The effect is not insignificant, because it enlarges and opens the gaze, for deer eyes as in the cinema. If your eyelashes are not full, you can apply any mascara while keeping your lashes wonderfully bent or use the serum for 2 to 3 weeks before your appointment, you will gain in length and density. If your lashes are very dense, you have won everything: even without mascara, your lashes will be at the top!

It is a very natural effect and does not require too much maintenance VS. Eyelash extensions.


"Man would never have reached his predominant place in the world without the use of his hands" Darwin

Because hands are a part of our body that is very used so why not take care of it?

You will have either the option to take the technique dip powder  or the technique UV gel

beauty of the feet

Feet are the Foundation of our body, they support our weight and help us to travel. Unfortunately, they are often very neglected. Yet everything passes through our feet, so do not wait for them to be crevacated before taking care of them. 

My mother often told me < < Julie, you absolutely have to put varnish on your toenails, it's so much more feminine > > 

You will have the opition of just putting a UV varnish or a full foot beauty including; soaking bath, extirpation of calluses, exfoliation, drag combined with warm boots and UV varnish


Each face is unique, making it an essential element of identity and a basis for identifying people. That is why it is important to take care of it. The face is what represents us, our non-verbal communication and the expression of our emotions. 

It is essential to have a special hygiene since our face confronts changes in temperature, dirt and makeup. 

A personalised facial according to the needs of your skin will be offered during your appointment.


Microdermabrasion is a technique that exfoliates and eliminates the superficial cells of the corneal layer, the dead skin cells.

The tip the device is composed of mini diamond crystals and there is a suction effect to suck dead skin.

Micro dermabrasion helps what? 
It is a preventive and corrective treatment by excellence, Microdermabrasion stimulates cell regeneration and the production of young cells. From the first treatment, your skin should be more supple, softer and exfoliated. Better irrigated, it should thus regain elasticity and radiance; the hostias (pores) are uncloged and their appearance, for the most of, is reduced. Pigment spots, fine lines and mild acne scars are also blurred in most cases. 

When should I return for Microdermabrasion treatment? 
Well it all depends on the result you want to get. Some who have a lot of dead skin cells are recommended to come every month or two months, but you can also add Microdermabrasion during your facial treatment. This will allow creams and Serum to go deeper and penetrate in more than one layer of the skin. 
Imagine if you put creams and that it remains trapped in the layers of dead skin, Your facial would be a waste. 

tooth whitening

Dental whitening is an approved procedure by health CANADA.

In most cases, the natural color of the teeth varies from greyish to yellow. Teeth naturally go down with age, and the use of tobacco products as well as the consumption of certain foods or beverages can affect their appearance by causing stains on their surface.

It is strongly advised to have had a cleaning of your teeth in the last 12 months before coming for a treatment.

The treatment of tooth whitening is done with a pre-whitening, then a hydrogen gel that is applied on each of the teeth of the smile one at a time and that is subsequently activated by the blue LED light. No gutter is used, because it can be transparent, it creates a barrier for LED light. Also, the gutters can mess up the gel and touch the guns. 

You will have 2 choices of treatments.

ear piercing

The ear piercing is for all styles, personalities, a way to differentiate themselves or to have a little more bling bling. 

Ear piercing isn’t from yesterday , ear piercing exist since antiquity.

The ear rings come in a pack of two , so two piercings